Sunday 26 September 2010

ape kate rihanna?

aku dah fed up dengan kau. sumpah fed up. ye. aku tanak laki yang aku rase x bergune dan liabiliti dalam hidup aku. knape ko liabiliti? pertame, keserabutan kepale aku kenbanyakanye berpunce dri kau kedua duit aku berkurangan adakalanya dari kau. ketiga. diri aku yang semakin hilang juga berpunca dari kau. keempat prinsip yang aku pegang semakin hilang kerana kau. kelima. kehidupan aku sucks pon kerana kau. sekarang kau paham kenape aku dah tanak dekt kau. sekarang kau taw kenapa aku mule menyampah dekat kau. sekarang kau taw kenape aku lbey rele single drpd spend life dengan kau. ye. aku harap ko paham. in fact, aku tak peduli ko paham ke tak. aku cume nak cakap aku fed up dah dengan kau. samada sooner or later relationship kite habes. finish. tamat. aku x perlukan kau lagi

footnote: kenyataan ini berlaku ketika penulis sedang marah. mungkin tidak akan terjadi perkare yg disebut diatas namun ingin dinyatakan disini perkara yg disebut akan berlaku sooner or later jika orang yg dimaksudkan tetap dgn sikap sebegitu. sekian.

statement above is yesterdays entry which i cannot post

but today...

as i listen to the song i love the way you lie. instantly you came to my mind. klu org dulu takut hantu org sekarang takut org. yeah frankly, i'm so afraid of you. i'm afraid of losing you yet sometimes i cannot wait to leave you. i'm afraid that i did not treat you the way you deserve yet i sometimes i think you begin to take advantage of me. yeah i am afraid of you. now i started to realizes how both of us are very different person. it just a matter of time either me or you will ended this relationship as it is based on too much tolerance rather than understanding. my patient has a very low limit. and you had successfully almost reach its maximum level. so dear mister beware. when i feel that you started to jeopardize my life, i will instantly TERMINATE you like a telephone line. i sound a little cruel but remember, what you've done to me is even worse, maybe both of us need to start to get real and realizes we are not meant to be in this kind of relationship. i made a mistake. you made a mistake. don't you think we should correct it? please dear mister. can we just stop it?

footnote: just gonna stand there and watch me cry, it's alright because i love the way you lie.

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